Surgical Services
Mole Removal
We all have birthmarks and moles around our bodies, but we often don’t realize how detrimental they can be to our health when they begin to grow abnormally. While many moles and birthmarks are completely safe to have on the body, exposure to the sun’s UV rays can damage the skin and create abnormal cell growth that has the potential to lead to skin cancer. The board-certified dermatologists at Greenbrae Dermatology are happy to offer biopsy and mole removal services to ensure you keep your healthiest looking and feeling skin year-round.
What can I expect during my Mole Removal?
A suspicious mole removal is typically done as a two-part process. The first step in the process involves a simple punch or scrape biopsy. Before your biopsy, your provider will numb your treated area to ensure you remain comfortable during this portion of your treatment process. The biopsy of your suspicious mole will be sent to a lab, where it will be tested for malignancy or abnormal cell growth. If the mole does come back as being abnormal, we will schedule a second appointment for you to come in and get the entire mole removed.
What results can I expect from my Mole Removal?
Mole removal is a minimally invasive procedure that typically involves the scraping of a mole to remove all abnormal or suspicious cells. Because mole removal is a minimally invasive treatment, there is no formal downtime or recovery period associated with each treatment. Most patients are able to return to their normal daily activities, including work, immediately following their mole removal treatment.
Am I a good candidate for Mole Removal?
If you are looking to diagnose and remove a suspicious mole, mole removal at Greenbrae Dermatology may be right for you. The best way to find out if mole removal is right for you is to schedule a one-on-one consultation with one of our board-certified dermatologists. We’ll be happy to sit down with you, listen to your concerns, evaluate your skin, and develop a fully personalized treatment plan to help you reach all of your aesthetic and skin health goals.
Get In Touch
501 Sir Francis Drake Blvd., Suite 200
Greenbrae, California 94904
Phone number:
(415) 925-0550
Open Hours:
Monday – Friday: 8am – 5pm PST
Saturday: 8am – 4pm PST
Sunday: CLOSED